第六届全国高校混合式教学设计创新大赛复赛培训(西南地区)教务处(教师教学发展中心、通识教育中心、茅以升学院)2024年9月11日(周三)14:15—17:15犀浦校区综合楼430郝莉+李占炳内容简介1. 从专家技能发展、深层学习方法、学生动机激发三个角度出发,提出促进深层学习的若干教学原则,以此为基础结合混合式教学设计创新大赛评审标准,探讨教学目标、过程、方法、评价等的教学设计方法。 2. 从参赛选手的角度展示“现代汉语”教学团队如何构建以问题为导向的混合式教学模式,并就备赛和比赛过程中的心得和经验进行分享和交流。
A new encoding computation method for Distributed multi-task learning信息科学与技术学院2024年9月6日下午 15:30-16:30X7510程民权内容简介
【创源大讲堂】Complex-valued solutions of an iterative functional equation of finite order数学学院2024年9月9日X30456内容简介
【创源大讲堂】On set-valued means数学学院内容简介
【创源大讲堂】AFDM-SCMA: A Promising Waveform for Massive High-Mobility Communications数学学院2024年7月31日上午10:00-11:00犀浦校区7教7510刘子龙内容简介The upcoming 6G systems must support ubiquitous & massive data services over high-mobility channels (e.g., moving speed at 500 km/h or higher) for various applications such as Satellite IoT and massive V2X access. This motivates us to study the integration of affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM)-empowered sparse code multiple access (SCMA) system, referred to as AFDM-SCMA, by fully exploiting the complementary strengths of AFDM and SCMA in high-mobility communications and massive machine-type communications, respectively. We propose a novel iterative detection and decoding scheme with linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimator based on orthogonal approximate message passing (OAMP) principles. We show that the proposed receiver can significantly enhance the error rate performance while reducing the detection complexity.
【创源大讲堂】Real-time Knowledge Update with Accelerated Retrieval Techniques计算机与人工智能学院2024年7月24日(星期三)下午16:00犀浦校区X31541学术报告厅王炜 教授内容简介In this talk, we explore innovative strategies to enhance language models