【创源大讲堂】An Introduction to Solitonic Perturbation Methods物理科学与技术学院2024年10月18日(周五)14:30二号教学楼2539会议室张柏阳 河南大学数学与统计学院博士后内容简介In this talk we will talk about more mathematical and fundational aspects of quantization in general, focusing on its difficulties instead of great achievements. Especially, we will talk about the second kind of divergence in quantum field theory, as a motivation to organically integrate the soitonic contribution into QFT as a whole, and the quantization at the presence of a kink. Recall that renormalization is crucial in obtaining finite order-by-order contributions in formal perturbation theory. However, the matching of renormalization schemes between different topological sectors was for a long time not well defined hence lead to ambiguity. In this talk we will also try to answer the question: If a vacuum sector Hamiltonian is regularized by an energy cutoff, how is the one-kink sector Hamiltonian regularized?
[创源大讲堂] Orientifold Calabi-Yau threefolds: Constructions and Machine Learning数学学院10月17日上午10点-11点西南交通大学犀浦校区X30456高昕研究员(四川大学)内容简介Using the Kreuzer-Skarke database of 4-dimensional reflexive polytopes, we systematically constructed a new database of orientifold Calabi-Yau threefolds up to h^{1,1}(X) =12. Our approach involved a non-trivial Z_2 involution, with both divisor exchanging and multi-reflections, acting on the Calabi-Yau manifolds. Each of such proper involutions will result in an orientifold Calabi-Yau manifolds and 320,386,067 of them was constructed. We developed a novel algorithm that significantly reduces the complexity of determining the fixed locus under the involutions, followed by the locations of different types of O-planes. It shows that under the proper involutions one end up with majority the O3/O7-planes system and most of them will further admit a naive Type IIB string vacua. Additionally, a new type of free action was determined. We also computed the smoothness and the splitting of Hodge numbers for these orientifold Calabi-Yau threefolds. Finally, We use the machine learning technique to search the polytope which can result in an orientifold Calabi-Yau hypersurface and the“naive type IIB string vacua”.
【创源大讲堂】Unified lnnovative Mechanical Solutions to Multiphase Massflows: Fast or slow, Bulking or debulking, Narrow or wide, Cold or warm地球科学与工程学院10月15日16:00-18:30犀浦校区X4243Shiva P. Pudasaini内容简介
【创源大讲堂】Impact pressure, object mobilization and dispersion in granular flows: Implications to rock-avalanhce fragmentation and particle shorting dynamics地球科学与工程学院10月15日16:00-18:30犀浦校区X4243Jeevan Kafle、Bekha Ratna Dongol内容简介
【创源大讲堂】二语习得研究的系统论思考外国语学院2024.10.11. 14:00犀浦校区X30824杨连瑞内容简介本讲座从国际二语习得研究发展的对比分析、错误分析、中介语发展及近期英语国际通用语研究四个发展阶段入手,系统分析二语习得研究发展历程及其对世界外语教学和二语习得实践活动的深刻影响,并重点讨论以下问题:1. 二语习得研究的学科性;2. 二语习得研究发展阶段;3. 二语习得研究代表性团体;4. 二语习得研究方法;5. 二语习得研究若干趋势;6. 二语习得认识方法论与理论创新。
【创源大讲堂】社会文化理论指导的大学英语课程思政教学有效性研究路径外国语学院2024.10.11. 15:50犀浦校区X30824秦丽莉内容简介课程思政作为新兴的教学理念已成为当今大学英语教学改革与创新的核心议题。基于文献梳理,本研究结合大学英语课程思政内涵和社会文化理论中的情感体验(perezhivanie)概念,尝试设计大学英语课程思政教学有效性调研问卷。随后,依据活动理论框架,提出开展大学英语课程思政教学有效性及其影响因素的理论框架,并进一步结合定性和定量研究方法勾勒出实证研究的路径框架。本研究可以为探索调研课程思政有效性的实证研究提供新思路和新方法。
【首开课】第24期第一场:爱校、乐教、善为——争当新时代合格的高校教师教务处(教师教学发展中心、通识教育中心、茅以升学院)2024年10月10日(周四)上午9:00 - 11:30犀浦校区图书馆二号报告厅李成坚内容简介感受百年学府的历史脉动是成为西南交大教师、确立“交大认同”的首要一步。上好一门课应当是青年教师站稳讲台的关键一步。领会教育强国内涵要义、践行教育家精神则是成为“大先生”的成功一步。