【创源大讲堂】Multi-modes multiscale approach of heat transfer problems数学学院2022-07-08 09:30腾讯会议:459-797-847关晓飞内容简介Stochastic temperature distribution should be carefully inspected in the thermal-failure design of heterogeneous solids with unexpected random energy excitations. Stochastic multiscale modeling for these problems involve uncertain thermal conductivity, high-dimensional and multiscale features, which remains limitation of prohibitive computation. In this paper, we propose an multi-modes based constrained energy minimization generalized multiscale finite element method (MCEM-GMsFEM), which can transform the original stochastic multiscale model into a series of recursive multiscale models sharing the same deterministic material parameters by multiscale analysis. Thus, MCEM-GMsFEM reveals an inherent low-dimensional representation in random space, and is designed to effectively reduce the complexity of repeated computation of discretized multiscale systems. In addition, the convergence analysis is established, and the optimal error estimates are derived. Finally, several typical stochastic disturbance on the mean value of uncertain thermal conductivity are considered to validate the theoretical results in the numerical examples. The numerical results indicate that the multi-modes multiscale model is a robust integrated method with the excellent performance.
【创源大讲堂】重庆轨道交通发展现状及展望交通运输与物流学院2022-07-05 09:30犀浦校区交运大楼418学术报告厅夏臣芝内容简介轨道交通发展历史及相关政策,重庆市轨道交通发展现状、趋势及展望
【创源大讲堂】城市轨道交通客运生产实践交通运输与物流学院2022-07-06 14:30犀浦校区交运大楼418学术报告厅姜茜内容简介城市轨道交通行业的职业素养,成都地铁基本情况介绍,地铁客运相关岗位职责与典型案例
【创源大讲堂】一带一路奋斗致青春交通运输与物流学院2022-07-01 19:00腾讯会议:303-969-419迟英华内容简介“一带一路”简介,中老昆万铁路概况; 立足本质岗位,服务国家“一带一路”发展战略个人成长与工作体会
【创源大讲堂】成都轨道企业文化理念认知与实践交通运输与物流学院2022-06-30 15:00犀浦校区交运大楼418学术报告厅邓 捷内容简介企业文化认知与实践,职业认知
【发展师】第二期:促进深层学与教的前传党委教师工作部(教师发展中心)2022-06-27 14:00线下:犀浦校区综合楼#430 线上:腾讯会议ID:494 307 902张方内容简介以真实的深层学习案例为切入点,帮助教师认识深层学习,感悟身边深层学习的瞬间,研讨深层学习发生的条件,探索引导学生进行深层学习的策略。
【发展师】课程思政设计——从理论到实操一站式工作坊党委教师工作部(教师发展中心)2022-06-22 14:30线下:犀浦校区综合楼#430 线上:腾讯会议ID:728-890-421景星维+何莎+吴敏睿+孙燕云内容简介1. 课程思政是什么? ①《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》的解读; ② 基于《纲要》的课程思政实用教学设计工具讲解。 2. 课程思政怎么设计? 运用课程思政实用教学设计工具开展教学设计的案例分析。 3. 课程思政设计如何实操? ① 分组与教师发展师配合,开展一次课程思政教学设计实操; ② 展示并解说设计方案。 4. 课程思政如何评价? ① 自评与互评相结合的课程思政评价体系讲解; ② 根据“评价体系”对本组上一环节设计方案进行评价; ③ 原设计方案改进。
Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization for Training Deep Neural Networks数学学院2022-06-24 13:45腾讯会议会议号:885 416 848;密码:0624陈小君内容简介1. Reformulations of nonsmooth nonconvex optimization for training leaky ReLU neural network 2. Penalty methods and a smoothing proximal gradient algorithm 3. Computation of subgradients in stochastic gradient algorithms for nonsmooth nonconvex finite-sum optimization 4. Automatic choroid layer segmentation from OCT images using deep Learning
Critical mass in a chemotaxis model with indirect signal production mechanism数学学院2022-06-21 14:30腾讯会议---752-817-218向昭银内容简介In this talk, we present a critical mass phenomenon in a chemotaxis model with indirect signal production mechanism. Our first result asserts that for any suitably regular initial data, the system admits global classical solution, which is different from the classical Keller-Segel system with direct signal production mechanism. Our second result confirms that for all radially symmetric initial data smaller than the critical value, the solutions are globally bounded, while for any initial mass larger than the critical value, unbounded global solutions can be constructed.
The dynamics of a nonlocal dispersal logistic model with seasonal succession and free boundaries数学学院2022-06-24 10:00腾讯会议:902-760-534戴斌祥内容简介This talk is devoted to a nonlocal dispersal logistic model with seasonal succession and free boundaries, where the free boundaries represent the expanding front and the seasonal succession accounts for the effect of two different seasons. Technically, this free boundary problem is much more difficult than the case without seasonal succession since the coefficients are all time periodic and piecewise continuous. We prove the existence and uniqueness of global solution, and then examine the long-time dynamical behaviour and the criteria that completely determine when spreading and vanishing can happen, revealing some significant differences from the model without seasonal succession. Moreover, we use a “thin-tail” condition on the kernel function to estimate the asymptotic spreading speed, which is achieved by solving the associated semi-wave problem.