Community Resilience:A Paradigm Shift in Civil Engineering Research and Practice土木工程学院内容简介
RBF collocation methods for the solution of fourth order boundary value problems力学与工程学院内容简介
A-FEM for Fatigue Life and Residual Strength of Fatigue Composite Laminates under Cyclic Loading力学与工程学院内容简介
A-FEM for High Fidelity Progressive Damage Analysis of Composite Laminates under Monotonic Loading力学与工程学院内容简介
An Efficient Augmented Finite Element Method for Arbitrary Cracking and Crack Interaction in Solids力学与工程学院内容简介
创源大讲堂:AI, Big Data, and Data Science(人工智能,大数据,数据科学)数学学院内容简介
Advances in Computer Vision–based Civil Infrastructure Inspection and Monitoring党委组织部内容简介