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Community Resilience:A Paradigm Shift in Civil Engineering Research and Practice

来源:土木工程学院 日期:2019/06/06 15:13:28 点击数:

时间:2019-06-14 10:00


报告人:Bruce R. Ellingwood 美国国家工程院院士



Bruce R. Ellingwood  美国国家工程院院士

Ph.D., P.E., N.A.E., Dist. M. ASCE

Professor and College of Engineering Eminent Scholar Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Colorado State University 

Ellingwood教授是美国工程院院士, 美国土木工程师学会杰出荣誉会员,他是“基于可靠度的结构设计理论”主要的奠基人之一,是国际公认的“结构安全评估和风险分析”领域权威。他曾经担任过美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)标准委员会副主席、结构工程师协会主席,先后2次荣获美国土木工程师会授予的诺曼(Norman)勋章,还获得过纽马克(Newmark)勋章、沃尔特.莫尔(Walter P. Moore Jr)奖、莫伊瑟夫(Moisseiff)奖,以及美国钢结构协会授予的希金斯奖和终身成就奖,

Ellingwood教授于1972年在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校获得博士学位,先后在美国海军舰船研发中心,美国国家标准局工作,后在约翰霍普金斯大学、佐治亚理工大学担任讲席教授和系主任,他目前担任由NIST资助的科罗拉多州立大学Center of Excellence for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning 主任。


The resilience of an urban community under natural hazard events depends on the performance of the built environment and on supporting social, economic and public institutions which are essential for immediate response and long-term recovery within the community following a disaster.  A community’s social needs and objectives (including post-disaster recovery) are not reflected in the codes, standards and other regulatory documents applied to design of individual facilities. Furthermore, science-based measurement tools to evaluate performance and resilience at community scales, supporting databases and risk-informed decision frameworks to support optimal life-cycle policies aimed at enhancing community resilience are in a rudimentary state of development.  A new approach is required, one that reflects the complex inter-dependencies among the physical, social and economic systems on which a vibrant community depends and is built upon an integration of engineering, social sciences and information sciences. The Center of Excellence for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning, headquartered at Colorado State University, was established by The National Institute of Standards and Technology in 2015 to advance the measurement science for understanding the factors that make a community resilient, to assess the likely impact of natural hazards on communities, and to develop risk-informed decision strategies that optimize planning for and recovery from disasters.  This seminar summarizes the approach taken by the Center management and its interdisciplinary research teams to advance the science underlying the assessment of urban community resilience, and provides an illustration of how physical, social and infrastructure models can be integrated in a risk-informed decision context.



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