【研修班】第七场:学习者视角下的有效教学设计与实施教务处(教师教学发展中心、通识教育中心、茅以升学院)2024年10月25日(周五)上午9:00-11:30 下午2:30-5:00犀浦校区综合楼430李霞内容简介
中子衍射与同步辐射高能X射线衍射的原理及其在材料科学与工程中的应用材料科学与工程学院2024年10月30日,上午:9:00-11:30,下午:14:00-17:00九里校区3号楼3324Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Günter Brokmeier内容简介
【创源大讲堂】考虑乘客出行的干扰运营下的铁路列车调度优化:Train scheduling optimization with consideration of passenger flows during disturbed operations交通运输与物流学院2024年10月24日(周四) 上午09:30-11:30西南交通大学犀浦校区交通运输与物流学院 418学术报告厅Andrea D’Ariano 罗马第三大学土木计算机科学与航空技术工程系,教授内容简介ptimization models for railway traffic management tackle the problem of determining, in real-time, control actions to reduce the effect of disturbances. Two main research streams can be identified. On the one hand, train scheduling models are designed to include all conditions relevant to achieve feasible and efficient operation of rail services, keeping as much as possible train punctuality. On the other hand, delay management models focus on the impact of rescheduling decisions on the quality of service perceived by passengers. The resulting objectives are conflicting whenever train delay reduction requires cancellation of some connected services, causing extra waiting times to transferring passengers. The infrastructure manager and the train operating companies need to discuss on which connections to keep or drop. This talk investigates hybrid railway traffic optimization approaches, merging these two streams of research. First, we consider the bi-objective problem of minimizing train delays and missed connections to provide a set of feasible non-dominated schedules, supporting the decisional process. We use a detailed alternative graph model to ensure schedule feasibility and develop heuristic algorithms to compute the Pareto front of non-dominated schedules. Second, we introduce a comprehensive mathematical model, incorporating the traffic regulations and the passenger rerouting options at a microscopic level. Third, we study this problem as a game theoretical approach, focusing on the solutions corresponding to Nash equilibria of a game involving passengers and infrastructure managers. Computational results based on a conventional Dutch railway network quantify the trade-off between the minimization of train delays and passenger travel times.
【首开课】第24期第二场:目标导向的教学设计教务处(教师教学发展中心、通识教育中心、茅以升学院)2024年10月22日(周二)下午2:30 - 5:00犀浦校区交运楼418会议室杨九民内容简介1.需要培养什么样的学习者;2.教学设计的评价标准解读;3.教学设计流程及注意事项;4.教学设计案例展示与分析;5.教学设计理论基础与模式。
【数字化赋能教师发展系列 】智能时代教师数字素养——解读教育部《教师数字素养》行业标准教务处(教师教学发展中心、通识教育中心、茅以升学院)内容简介