【创源大讲堂】Quadratic forms, vectorial bent functions and linear codes数学学院2024年1月18日上午11:00西南交通大学犀浦校区7510欧阳毅内容简介
【创源大讲堂】Generator polynomials of cyclic expurgated or extended Goppa codes数学学院2024年1月18日上午10:00西南交通大学犀浦校区7510岳勤内容简介
【创源大讲堂】New product formulas for classical Gauss sums数学学院2024年1月18日上午9:00西南交通大学犀浦校区7510张文鹏内容简介
Fuzzy sets as enriched categories数学学院内容简介
Cartesian closed and stable subconstructs of Ord数学学院内容简介
创源大讲堂|Topic: A Concise Guide to Optimization vs. Simulation in Decision Making交通运输与物流学院2024年1月16日(周二)下午15:30犀浦校区交通运输与物流学院417学术报告厅余浩 挪威特罗姆瑟北极大学工业工程副教授兼项目负责人 Hao Yu is Associate Professor and Program Leader of Industrial Engineering (MSc) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. His research interests are real-problem-driven model development to solve complex decision-making problems in sustainable supply chains, reverse logistics, location and network design, service systems, scheduling, and smart manufacturing and logistics in Industry 4.0/5.0. These optimization/simulation models can be used to minimize carbon footprints and environmental risks of logistics systems, improve the accessibility and cost efficiency of service networks, locate the charging stations for electric/hydrogen vehicles, autonomously configure reconfigurable manufacturing systems, improve the lockage efficiency of a water conservancy project, and so forth. He has led or been a key member of 10+ international projects funded by the Research Council of Norway, the Directorate of Higher Education and Skills, Innovation Norway, Nordplus, and EU and EEA Programmes. He has authored and co-authored 50+ scientific papers with 1500+ citations and 18 H-Index. Currently, his research focuses on the combination of predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and descriptive analytics in an Industry 5.0-enabled Smart Digital Logistics Twin that can be used in, for example, reverse logistics, humanitarian/epidemic logistics, and smart manufacturing/remanufacturing systems.内容简介Introduction: Optimization and simulation are the most important analytical techniques, and this talk will provide a concise guide to optimization vs. simulation in decision-making. Specifically, we will start with an urban postal service redesign problem in Norway. Due to recent technological advancements, more diversified customer demand, and increasingly harder competition, a strategic reform of urban postal service systems was undertaken in Norway in 2013, called post-in-shop. Decisions need to be made to replace traditional post offices with small-sized postal service counters in retail stores to improve accessibility, operational efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. To solve this problem, a two-stage method is proposed. First, two location models are employed to determine the optimal facility locations, and a simulation model is then built to evaluate the urban postal service system with different location and demand allocation plans under a realistic and stochastic environment. This case study will show both the strengths and the weaknesses of optimization and simulation and how they can be complementarily applied in decision-making. Furthermore, some other application scenarios using combined simulation and optimization methods, e.g., waste management, vaccine distribution, and smart manufacturing, will be briefly introduced.
【“创源”大讲堂研究生学术讲座】Finite time mixing and enhanced dissipation for 2D Navier-Stokes equations by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck flow数学学院2024.01.06X30456罗德军 研究员内容简介
【“创源”大讲堂研究生学术讲座】L^2-Exponential ergodicity for stochastic Hamiltonian systems with stable Levy noises数学学院2024.01.06X30456鲍建海 教授内容简介
【“创源”大讲堂研究生学术讲座】Large Deviations for Stochastic Generalized Porous Media Equations driven by Lévy Noise数学学院2024. 01. 06X30456翟建梁 教授内容简介