时间:2024年9月24日 16:00-17:00
Prof.Juyoung Yoonwas graduated with a B.S. from Seoul National University (1987)andreceived his PhD from the Department ofChemistry at The Ohio State University under thesupervision of Prof.Anthony W. Czarnik in 1994. After completingpostdoctoral research at UCLA under the guidanceof Prof.Donald J. Cram(Nobel Prize winner) and The Scripps Research Instituteunder the guidanceofProf.Janda D. Kim, he joined the faculty at Silla University in 1998. Hemoved toEwha WomansUniversity in 2002, wherehe is currently a Distinguished Professor of the Department ofChemistry and Nano Science. He has already been a member of Korean Academy of Sciences and Technology since 2014,Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC)andHonorary Fellow of Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)in 2024.He is serving as an Associate Editor ofCoord.Chem.Rev.and as an Executive Editor ofDyes and Pigments.He is also serving as an Advisory Editorial Board Member ofChem.Soc.Rev.,Chem,ACS Appl.Mater.& Inter.et al.
Prof.Yoon’s research interestsincludefluorescent probes,phototherapyand photodyamictherapy, andimaging guidedtherapy. He is the recipientofnumerous awards and honors such as Korean Chemical Society Award (2016),2ndKorea Toray Science Award (2019), 13thKyung-Ahm Academic Award (2020), MSMLG Czarnik Award (2022), 12thTCI-SEJIN CI Award (2023) and ACS Measurement Science Lectureship Award (2024).To date,Prof.Yoonhas published 490 scientific publications(h-index: 132, ~69000 citations),and he was listed as highly cited researcher in chemistry since 2014.
题目:《Recent Progress on Fluorescent Imaging Probes and Phototherapy》