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【创源大讲堂】学术讲座“Federated Learning via Active RIS Assisted Over-The-Air Computing”

来源:信息科学与技术学院 日期:2024/07/10 09:21:43 点击数:

研究生【创源大讲堂】学术讲座“Federated Learning via Active RIS Assisted Over-The-Air Computing”,报告人:肖鸣教授

报告题目:Federated Learning via Active RIS Assisted Over-The-Air Computing


报 告 人:肖鸣教授(瑞典皇家理工学院KTH)



报告内容:In recent years, wirelessfederatedlearning(WFL) has attracted increasing attention, which provides a promising solution for utilizing massive wireless data and distributing models efficientlyin mobile environments.In the talk, we will mainly focus on our recent contributions infederatedlearning viaactive RISassistedover-the-air(OTA)computing.We firstly give a brief introduction to OTA computing-based federatedlearning. Subsequently, we will deeply discuss WFL based active RISassistedOTAcomputing. Finally, we will identify some critical challenges and highlight future research directions.

报告人简介:Prof.Ming Xiaoreceived the bachelor and master degrees in engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC), Chengdu, in 1997 and 2002, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Chalmers University of Technology(CTH), Sweden, in 2007. Since 2007, he has been with the Department of Information Science and Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,KTHRoyal Institute of Technology, Sweden, where he is currently aFullProfessor.He was the Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Principal Investigator ofmultipleEuropean Commission (EC) and Sweden research projects, with total funds of60million SEK.He published about 200IEEE journalarticlesand 100conferencepapers.The total google scholarcitations are more than 12,000.He received IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Best Magazine Paper Award(2023),IEEE Region 10Distinguished Student PaperAward(2016), andIEEE ICCCNBestPaperAward(2011).He isa Guest Editor ofIEEE Journals of Selected Areas in Communications(2017, 2024),an Editor ofIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications(2018-now), a Guest Editor ofIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing(2022),anEditor ofIEEE Transactions on Communications(2012-2017), anEditorofIEEE Wireless Communications Letters(2012-2016),a Senior Editor ofIEEE Communications Letters(2015-now),and an Area Editor ofIEEE Open Journal of the Communication Society(2019-now). He is an ACM distinguished speaker.




作者:章正权   编辑:刘中慧   


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