Marcella Samà is an Associate Professor in Operations Research at Roma Tre University. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Engineering, a Master’s Degree in Automation and Management Engineering and Ph.D. in Operations Research at Roma Tre University with the thesis “Models and algorithms for the real-time railway and air traffic flow management problems”. Her research focuses mainly on designing and developing models and algorithms aimed at solving scheduling and combinatorial problems for real-world application in public services problems, with a specific regard to transit and logistics. She works on decision support systems for real-time management problems in the railway and air traffic flow sectors. More in detail, she specializes in implementing and integrating open and closed-loop deterministic solvers that include advances OR/MS methodologies, their application on train/aircraft real-time rerouting and rescheduling when delays and disruption make initial operation plans unfeasible, route subsets selection and task assignments, as well as the evaluation of risk of additional delays of a given plan when operations duration are uncertain.
Marcella Samà是罗马第三大学副教授,主研方向为运输计划优化领域的运筹优化方法。她在罗马第三大学获得计算机科学工程学士学位、自动化和管理工程硕士学位以及运筹学博士学位,且博士论文题为 “实时铁路和空中交通管理问题的模型和算法”。她的研究主要集中在设计和开发模型和算法,旨在解决公共交通中的调度和组合问题,特别是交通和物流方面的实际应用。她致力于为铁路和航空交通流领域的实时管理问题开发决策支持系统。擅长实施和整合开源和闭源确定性求解器,其中包括前沿的OR/MS方法。她所提出的方法和技术应用于延误和中断导致初始运营计划不可行情况下的火车/飞机实时调度、路径选择和任务分配,以及在运营时间不确定时评估给定计划的额外延误风险等方面。
In case of unexpected disturbances and disruptions that may affect the normal course of daily operations, the real-time railway traffic management problem is the problem of detecting and solving time overlapping conflicting requests done by multiple train on the same track resource in order to produce a new disposition timetable. This is an NP-hard problem, often studied in the literature with different perspectives and from multiple angles. Given the real-time nature of the problem, different modelling and algorithmic choices have been taken into account to either speed up or simplify the solution process: some approaches limit the size of the problem, intervening on the granularity used to model infrastructures, the time horizon chosen, the number of variables considered; others focus on the solution process to properly drive the search. This talk aims at providing a general overview of the problem and on popular modelling and algorithmic choices used to make the problem easier to solve.