题目:Probing Galactic and Extragalactic Cosmic Ray Factories with highenergy
主讲人:Felix Aharonian 国际著名粒子天体物理学家
1979 PhD Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute, Department: Nuclear and Particle Physics, USSR
1975 Master Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute, Department: Nuclear and Particle Physics, USSR
since 2006 Professor, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), Ireland
Since 2006 External Member of the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK), Germany
since 2023. Chief Scientist, Physics Department, Yerevan State University, Armenia
1979 – 1991 Junior/Senior/Leading Researcher, Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia
1993 – 2020 Leader of the High Energy Astrophysics Group, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany
1975 Best Master Thesis in Physics (Ministry of Education of USSR)
2005 Prize of the President of Armenia;
2006. EU Descartes prize (as a member of the HESS collaboration)
2010 Bruno Rossi Prize (shared with Werner Hofmann and Heinz Völk) for the HESS project
2014 Victor Ambartsumian International Prize (shared with I. Karachentsev and B.Tully)
> 650 papers in peer reviewed international journals, > 44,000 citations; h-index: 113 (Nov 2023)
F.A. Aharonian "Very high energy cosmic gamma radiation : a crucial window on the extreme
Universe", River Edge, NJ: World Scientific Publishing (512pp), 2004
F.A. Aharonian, C.Dermer, L. Bergstrom, “Gamma ray astronomy at very high energies”, Springer, 2013
F.A. Aharonian, S.R. Kelner, D. Khangulyan “Radiation Processes in High Energy Astrophysics” , Oxford University Press, to be submitted in 2023
Extraterrestrial gamma rays tell us about the most energetic and violentphenomena in the Universe. The respective research area - Gamma RayAstronomy- addresses a broad range of nonthermal high-processes ofparticle acceleration, propagation, and radiation on all astronomicalscales, from compact neutron stars and black holes to large-scalecosmological structures. Gamma-ray studies cover a wide range of areaslinked to the physics and astrophysics of SNRs, Star Formation,Magnetospheres of Pulsars and Black Holes, physics of relativisticoutflows - Pulsar Winds, AGN jets, GRBs, etc. The major objectives ofGamma Ray Astronomy are linked, in one way or another, to the"centuries-old mystery" of the Origin of Cosmic Rays. Therefore,
identifying the main CR contributors with different astronomical sourcepopulations is considered one of the top priorities of high-energyastrophysics. The search for the sites of Cosmic Ray production ("CosmicRay Factories") can be done best with space-borne and ground-based$\gamma$-ray detectors covering an unprecedented energy range over tenenergy decades, from MeV to PeV energies. Studies of the physics of CRfactories, especially the so-called extreme accelerators responsible forthe production of particles up to 10^15 eV in our Galaxy (the so-called
PeVatrons) and > 10^20 eV in extragalactic objects (the so-calledZeVatrons) are of particular interest. In this lecture, I brieflydescribe the recent exciting results obtained in the very-high (VHE) andultra-high (UHE) energy bands in the context of the origin of cosmicrays.