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Advanced Skills for Academic English Writing and Presentation

来源:数学学院 日期:2023/07/13 18:10:41 点击数:
时间 2023年7月19日上午10点 地点 30456
报告人 刘子龙 内容简介

摘要:Chinese students are very talented and hardworking, but may not be good at ‘selling’ their excellent research results to the community due to the lack of a systematic training on academic English writing and presentation. The question at the centre is: how to tell an intriguing ‘story’ which can catch the heart of even a layman reader from the beginning to the end? I will share my experiences and tips in this talk. As a case study, I will work with the audience, in a step-by-step way, to improve a recent paper of my student on probabilistic constellation shaping.

报告人简介:刘子龙,新加坡南洋理工大学博士,英国埃塞克斯大学教授。从20181月到201911月,他是萨里大学5G创新中心(5GIC)所在地通信系统研究所(ICS)的高级研究员。目前他是 IEEE高级会员,同时担任国际知名学术期刊 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE Access的副编辑。目前已发表95篇期刊论文,其中50余篇发表在TIT, TSP, TCOM, TWC, TVT, JSAC, JSTSP等期刊上。

作者:杨洋   编辑:刘中慧   


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