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Zeta Functions of p-Adic Analytic Varieties

来源:数学学院 日期:2023/07/10 14:08:38 点击数:
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报告题目: Zeta Functions of p-Adic Analytic Varieties


摘要: We introduce the zeta function of a p-adic analytic variety, which counts Teichmuller rational points. This zeta function has the amazing property of being a rational function, which suggests new avenues for further research. This talk is based on joint work with Wei Cao, and will be essentially self-contained.



报告人简介:万大庆,美国加州大学尔湾分校教授。万教授的研究方向是数论和算术代数几何,尤其是有限域上的zeta函数和L-函数,解决了现代数论中的若干著名猜想,包括Dwork猜想,Katz猜想,Gouvea–Mazur猜想,Adolphson-Sperber猜想等,已在数学顶尖杂志《Annals of Mathematic》,《Invent. Math.》,《J. Amer. Math. Soc.》上发表多篇文章,其研究工作在算术代数几何的许多重要领域产生了重要影响。近年来,万教授在计算数论、编码和计算复杂性领域也做出了杰出的工作,其结果发表在FOCSSTOCFOCMIEEE IT等计算机和信息理论的顶级杂志上。现为国际著名数学杂志《Journal of Number Theory》和《Finite Fields and Their Applications》的编委。

作者:罗荣   编辑:刘中慧   


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