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【创源大讲堂】One hundred years of wheel shimmy: Why is it still dangerous?

来源:力学与航空航天学院 日期:2023/05/29 10:15:22 点击数:



讲座题目:One hundred years of wheel shimmy: Why is it still dangerous?

主讲人:Prof. Gabor Stepan

个人简介:Gabor Stepan教授,匈牙利布达佩斯技术与经济大学应用力学系教授,匈牙利科学院院士,欧洲科学院院士,国际生产工程科学院(CIRP)院士,爱沙尼亚科学院外籍院士,匈牙利科学院科学技术部前任主席,曾任国际理论与应用联盟(IUTAM)常务理事和执行委员会委员。Stepan教授是国际应用力学界的著名学者,曾获美国机械工程师学会“Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics”奖,匈牙利最高科学技术奖“Szechenyi Prize”等众多荣誉。主要研究领域包括非线性振动和时滞系统的理论及工程应用,比如稳定性和分叉理论、理论切削、车轮非线性动力学、交通动力学、机器人振动与稳定性、人体及机器人平衡问题,等等。Stepan教授和中国学术界有长久的合作与友谊,曾获“江苏友谊奖”,并于2020年受邀参加李克强总理主持的外国专家新春座谈会以及科技部2035中长期发展规划建言会。

讲座内容:Shimmy is a hard-to-predict vibration phenomenon of towed rolling wheels. Although it appears with low probability, it may cause catastrophic accidents. Low order models of shimmying wheels with single contact point and Coulomb friction show the fundamental phenomenology. Local and global dynamic analyses explore parameter regions with bi-stability, isola, chaotic and transient chaotic oscillations. If there is pneumatic tire on the wheel, a certain time delay effect becomes relevant in the nonlinear dynamics of the system. The experimentally detected micro-shimmy onset is explained by carrying out a non-smooth bifurcation analysis that is related to the nonlinear effect of partial slipping within the tire/ground contact region.



作者:胥奇   编辑:阮琦   


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