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Robotics Research for Practicality: Challenges and Strategies

来源:机械工程学院 日期:2019/05/07 14:56:39 点击数:

时间:2019-05-11 13:30


报告人:Dikai Liu博士


讲座内容简介:Current applications of robotics is distinguished from more traditional automation by the focus on robots that operate autonomously in unstructured and dynamic environments, or collaboratively with humans. Although substantial progress in research on intelligent robotics is being made, the pace of applying intelligent robots in real industry applications is slow. A number of key challenges, both in scientific research and in applying robots in practical applications, need to be addressed. This presentation will discuss the challenges, quality of being practical in robotics research, and possible strategies that facilitate robotics research for real applications. Case studies on development and practical deployment of several autonomous and human-collaborative robots will be presented. Lessons learned will also be discussed.

主讲人简介:Dr. Dikai Liu is a distinguished professor and Co-Director of the Centre for Autonomous Systems (CAS) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. His main research interest is robotics with the focus on perception, motion planning, multi-robot collaboration and human-robot interaction. He initiated and developed the research themes of infrastructure robotics, robot teams and physical human-robot interaction in CAS. Besides conducting fundamental robotics research, he has been transforming robotics research to real applications through leading the development of autonomous and assistive robots that can be practically deployed,  including autonomous robots for steel bridge maintenance, bio-inspired climbing robots for inspection of complex steel structures, intelligent robotic co-worker for human-robot collaborative abrasive blasting, smart hoist for patient transfer, and Intervention-autonomous underwater robots (I-AUR) for underwater structure maintenance. Since 2005, his research has received a number of best paper and research/engineering excellence awards, including the 2016 Australian Engineering Excellence Awards (AEEA) and the 2015 Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Award. He is the recipient of many patents include USA and Australia patents. Some of his research outcomes has been translated to industry applications, including two autonomous bridge maintenance robots now in service at the Sydney Harbour Bridge and a bio-inspired climbing robot deployed for confined space inspection.






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