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Autonomous Vehicles for a Smart Campus

来源:机械工程学院 日期:2019/05/07 14:46:43 点击数:

时间:2019-05-11 08:45


报告人:Michael Y. Wang博士


讲座内容简介:With the advent of the modern autonomous technology for both low-speed and high-speed driverless vehicles, there is a unique opportunity for a smart campus. As many smart campuses being built or old campuses renovated, autonomous vehicles become more feasible to support student’s life needs under a managed environment. A large campus has wide sidewalks and is ADA-compliant, with ramps and curb cuts that make robot navigation possible. Autonomous robot vehicles have the potential for flexible and effective deliveries on campus, including food-on-demand delivery, internal mail distribution within campus, and books delivery within library. The low-speed driving scenarios within a campus would help to demonstrate the capability of autonomous robots integrated with enabling technologies including machine learning, computer vision, indoor localization technology, and building information modeling.

主讲人简介:Dr. Michael Yu Wang is a Chair Professor and the Director of HKUST Robotics Institute. Before joining HKUST in 2015, he served on the engineering faculty at University of Maryland, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and National University of Singapore. He has numerous professional honors–National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award, 1993; Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award from Society of Automotive Engineers, 1994; LaRoux K. Gillespie Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1995; Boeing–A.D. Welliver Faculty Summer Fellow, Boeing, 1998; Distinguished Investigator Award of NSFC; Chang Jiang (Cheung Kong) Scholars Award from the Ministry of Education of China and Li Ka Shing Foundation (Hong Kong), and the State Natural Science Prize (Class II) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. He received the Kayamori Best Paper Award of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, the Compliant Mechanisms Award-Theory of ASME 31st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference in 2007, Research Excellence Award (2008) of CUHK, and ASME Design Automation Award (2013). He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering, and a Fellow of ASME, HKIE and IEEE. He received his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University (1989). 







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