时间:2019-07-13 16:00
报告人:Professor Virender K. Sharma

Dr. Virender K. Sharma is currently a Professor at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health (SPH), Texas A&M University. He is also serving as the Director of the Program of Environment and Sustainability of the SPH. Dr. Sharma has made seminal contributions in the areas of chemistry and environmental applications of ferrates. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Sharma has also published 55 book chapters, 36 proceedings, and authored/edited 8 books. His distinguish awards include Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Faculty Excellence in Research by Florida Tech, International Fellowship awarded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Invited Professorship by University of Paris, France.
Iron oxides have shown potential in energy storage, green synthesis, and water purification. Current interest in iron oxides is on high-valent iron species (FeVI, FeV, and FeIV), which have shown their involvement in numerous biological and environmental reactions.
高价态铁(FeVI, FeV, and FeIV)在大量环境生物、化学反应过程中发挥了重要的作用。在过去的几十年中,四氧高价铁(通常称为高铁酸盐,包括ferrate(VI), FeVIO42- and ferrate(V), FeVO43-等)在高能量密度可充电电池、更“绿色”的有机合成技术以及环境友好型水处理技术等中展现出了至关重要的作用。本讲座将介绍高铁酸盐作为氧化剂/消毒剂/絮凝剂等的应用,简单阐述其在净化水中的微量污染物、毒素、重金属和细菌等各方面发挥的作用。