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“创源”大讲堂研究生学术讲座:Rheological Modelling –History and Basics

来源:力学与航空航天学院 日期:2024/10/16 14:19:46 点击数:


Holm Altenbach教授历任德国威腾堡-哈勒马丁路德大学工程学院院长(1995-2011),工程科学研究中心执行主任,德国国际学术交流选拔委员会评审专家等职。自2011年起任德国马格德堡大学技术力学研究所所长,并任德国暨欧洲应用数学和力学联合会(GAMM)主办权威国际刊物ZAMM-Joumal of Applied Mathemnatics and Mechanics主编以及多个国际权威刊物编委和顾问编委。专长于连续介质力学、先进材料与结构、材料强度性能与可靠性分析等领域,包括金属的蠕变行为,双相复合材料与多孔泡沫材料的结构行为与力学响应,杆板壳、薄壁结构与夹层结构力学,先进材料关键性能和行为的有效模拟及其工程应用。在这些方面进行了系统深入研究,取得了众多高水平成果,有广泛国际声望和影响。已在国际主流刊物发表论文380多篇,出版学术专著60部以上,在国际会议作邀请报告300多次,是前述领域及其工程应用的领军科学家之一。    


Rheology as a science was established approximately 100 years ago, however the first rheological models were developed much earlier. Now rheological models are widely used in the modeling of complex material behavior. Starting with the pioneering contributions of Bingham, Reiner and others to the “new scientific branch” in the 20th of the last century, the method of rheological modeling was applied to different materials. With the increasing use of plastics in the 1950th the method of rheological modeling became more and more popular. Later, such models were also used in modeling of materials with complex microstructure. In all cases the main focus was on the phenological description of the material behavior and better fitting of experimental data. Below a brief introduction to the method of rheological models with historical remarks and some new applications are presented.    


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作者:杨洋   编辑:陈薇   


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